Only non-named NPCs respawn ('Villager', or some random encounter npcs) after 10 days. All NPCs, including named, respawn after you go to jail for more than 10 days. (But also saw people say 20 days) 2b. Waiting for 10 consecutive days works too. Kingdom Come: Deliverance – console commands To access the console commands menu press tilde Subscribe to the VG247 newsletter Get all the best bits of VG247 delivered to your inbox every Friday!
Starbound console commands unlock a world of new possibilities. You can use them to teleport anywhere, control time, spawn items, and more.
All we need is the right keywords and that’s more or less all there is to it. However, before that, we’d highly recommend keeping a backup of the game – just to be safe.
Starbound isn’t exactly a game that we can easily break with commands. But, you never know. And with that out of the way, let’s move on.
How to Enable the Console on Starbound
Unlike other games, Starbound doesn’t actually use a console. Instead, it has the chat which acts as both a multiplayer chat and a console on a single package.
All you have to do in order to use it is press the forward-slash “/” button to bring up the chat, insert the command of your choice, and that’s about it.
Some commands require a few extra parameters like values, IDs, quantities, and stuff like that. But, we’ll try to be as specific as possible.
Starbound Console Commands and Cheats

These are some of the best important/useful commands and cheats that you can find in this game. They include anything from enabling admin-only commands to controlling time.
/admin: Toggles admin mode. This is necessary to insert admin-only commands, so, start with that. Do keep in mind that you won’t be able to use such commands in multiplayer – unless you’re the admin of the server
/whereami: Delivers the current coordinates of your location
/suicide: Kills your character
/warp [Location]: Teleports you to the specified location. Some simple locations are OwnShip, OrbitedWorld, player [Player ID], nowhere (Current world). Coordinates can be used for almost all locations
/timewarp [Value]: Adds the specified amount of seconds to the game’s/server time. This affects everything that depends on time, such as merchants.
/setspawnpoint: Sets the default spawn point on the current world
/settileprotection [Dungeon ID] [true or false]: Enabling this command (true) will make you unable to break blocks. You can get a list of dungeon IDs by typing /debug
/help: Prints a list of all the available commands in the game. You can also mention a specific command and the console should say what it does and how you can use it
/reload: Reloads client assets. This is useful for applying certain changes without having to completely restart the game
/pvp: Enables and disables PVP (Player VS Player). When it’s turned on, players have the option of attacking each other
Spawn Commands
Various commands that allow you to spawn items, creatures, NPCs, vehicles, and stage hands.
/spawnitem [Item ID] [Quantity]: Spawns the specified item. You can find a list of the item IDs over here
/spawntreasure [Pool ID] [Tier]: Spawns all items in the specified treasure pool. For example, spawntreasure uniqueWeapon 6. If you don’t specify a tier, then it’s going to default to 1
/spawnmonster [Monster ID] [Level]: Spawns the specified monster
/spawnnpc [ID] [Level] [Seed]: Spawns the specified NPC (Seed is optional. It simply defines some visual characteristics)
/spawnvehicle [Vehicle ID]: Spawns the specified vehicle
/spawnstagehand [Stage Hand Type]: Spawns the specified stage hand. Overall, these are the stage hands that can be summoned:
- coordinator
- mailbox
- messenger

- bossplanner
- bossdooropener
- bossmusic
- objecttracker
- waypoint
- radiomessage
- questlocation
- questmanager
- protectoratemanager
- npccombat
- glitchmissionmanager
- glitchmimssionspawnpoint
- apexmissionbattleeffect
- apexmissioncallsscriptsensor
- cultistbeamposition
- cultistflyingslashposition
- cultistlowerdashposition
- cultistsphereposition
- cultistupperdashposition
/clearstagehand: Clears all stage hands in vicinity
Kingdom Come Deliverance Unlock Command
/spawnliqid [Liquid ID] [Amount]: Spawns the specified liquid
enablespawning: Enables automatic spawning of monsters in your current world
disablespawning: Has the opposite effect of the above command

Multiplayer Commands
Just a few useful commands that you can use in multiplayer – especially if you are an Admin.
/kick [Username or ID] [Optional reason]: Kicks the specified player from the server. The reason is optional and when written, all it does is that it displays a message to the player who got kicked
/ban [Username or ID] [Optional Reason] [Time]: Bans a player from the server for the specified duration in seconds. If you don’t specify a time, the ban will be permanent. Do keep in mind that there’s also the option of banning the player’s ID or IP as well. By default, the game bans both the IP and ID.
/list: Lists all the players that are currently playing on the server
/whereis [Username or ID]: Displays the location of the specified user
/serverwhoami: Prints server username to the chat and if you’re an admin on that server or not
/serverreload: Reloads the server
/setuniverseflag [Flag ID]: Sets the universe flag. The flag IDs that can be used are:
- outpost_mission1
- outpost_mission2
- outpost_mission3
- outpost_mission4
- outpost_mission5
- outpost_mission6
- outpost_beakeasy
- outpost_techscientist1
- outpost_techscientist2
- outpost_ursaminer
- final_gate_key
- vaultsopen
/gravity: Displays the gravity for your current position
/setgravity [Level]: Sets the gravity of your character
/resetgravity: Resets gravity to the default level
/spawnnpc [NPC ID] [Level]: Spawns an NPC at the specified level. The available NPC IDs are:
- crewmember: Soldier
- crememberoutlaw: Outlaw
- cremembermedic: Medic
- crewmemberengineer: Engineer
- crewmemberjanitor: Janitor
- crewmembertailor: Tailor
- crewmemberchemistyellow: Chemist (You can replace yellow with orange, blue, or green for obtaining different boosts)
MISC Commands
Various commands of miscellaneous nature.
/played: Displays how much time you’ve spent playing with your current character
/deaths: Displays how many times you’ve died with the current character
/naked: Removes all gear
/placedungeon [Dungeon ID] [Coordinates]: Places the specified dungeon under your cursor. If you specify coordinates, then the dungeon is going to spawn there instead
/debug: Gives you access to debug mode – meaning that you can use debug commands
/boxes: Toggles visibility of boxes
/clearboxes: Toggles clearing of collision boxes
/togglelayer [Layer]: Toggles visibility of various layers. The command is known for causing issues or not working at all. So, use it at your own discretion. The layers that can be used are (In numbers):
- Sky
- Parallax
- Background
- Platforms
- Plant
- PlantDrop
Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Cheat

- Object
- CursorHintedObject
- ParticlesBottom
- Effect
- Projectile
- Player
- ItemDrop
- Water
- ParticlesMiddle
- Foreground
- ParticlesTop
- Nametag
Kingdom Come Deliverance Command Line
- InfoBars
/fullbright: Sets maximum brightness to all areas
/completequest [Quest ID]: Completes the specified quest. For example, /completequest apex_mission 1 completes the first apex mission quest
/failquest [Quest ID]: Fails the specified quest
/maketechavailable [Technology ID]: Makes the specified technology available for purchase
Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Codes
/giveesentialitem [Item ID] [Slot ID]: Puts the specified item to an essential slot. The available slot IDs are:
- wiretool
Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Items
- painttool
- beamaxe
- inspectiontool
/upgradeship [JSON]: Upgrades yourself by using the specified JSON object
Wrapping Up
That’s all we have for now. If you think that we forgot to mention an important command, then let us know about it in the comments.
Again, Starbound may not be a game that you can easily break with commands. But, still, keep a backup of it – just in case.